Forbidden dance 
with Kulshedra

Performance, Talk, Dance & more...

Wednesday 1st of february// 20 - 23//drop in Sliding scale from 12€ up.

Forbidden Dance with Kulshedra


Can we better understand topics as embodying freedom, gender fluidity and radical pleasure from a dance solo?


I believe that we can! While experiencing the solo performance “Defeat me“ by Kulshedra (they/them), I felt a strong resonance in my own body, as I could grasp, on a deeper level, the path to reach the dancer’s radical awareness.


Kulshedra is coming on Wednesday night to IKSK, to perform their solo,

After a brief open discussion concerning the core qualities Kulshedra embodied in the performance, Kulshedra will lead a dance class to show the path to reach those qualities; and in the end, all together, we will “Defeat ourseves“ in a collective reinterpretation of their chorographical material.


This class is open to everyone, body aware, professional dancers, non-dancers, moving lovers & conceptual researchers.

Micha Stella



Open doors: 20 // Performance: 20:15 // Talk and dance class: 21-22

Collective Performance: 22:15// Closing: 23

Sliding scale: from 12€ up.




“DEFEAT ME” (performed a New Fears Gallery the 22.01.2023)

Between sacred and profane I find a constant electric line of sadness.
Always there teasing me. Sadness is my pornography, my melancholic
cloud that always persuades me. That’s the human curse, the beat we
all fall in.
If we find each other in the same room, you won’t be invisible to me.
In the Metaphysical is where We meet.
What i bring in this performance is the rawness, humanity, body, lust.
I play in the middle, I don't want to get far from what you can also
do. 'Elites can kiss my ass' is what comes out of my pussy. BURN DOWN

I use objects that we all know, and I used them as my desires wish. I
make love grinding to the sound system, I blow wind on myself as the
music gets higher and louder. I see myself in the mirror and my flesh
is not sexualized, I find freedom and peace to be in my ego. Ego as
wholesome and not only negative trades as we've been teached to know.
The dance and the moves are the ones that i carry when I rave, when
I'm by myself, when I'm with friends. I vibe I ride. Not too much and
not too safe. I brought them under a performatic light. A moment of
myself with the others.
Dancing with strength, sexyness, and subtle ethereal moments.
Something we all do, or wish to do, but never putting importance or
letting it happen.
Defeat me, not because of weakness and either showing of power. Defeat
me is for the music taking me, is the crowd affecting me, is the
humanity of things and in the end it's fine, you can defeat me.

 Kulshedra, berlin 2023

“Dominating cuties“… is a series of events, where Micha Stella invites artists & performers to share their artistic research and try to translate it into a learning/teaching experience, open to everybody to enjoy : searching for a path to build & experience collective pleasure.


The first encounter takes place at IKSK.




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